

Why Corporate Networks are Key Targets for Cryptojacking

The days of being able to ignore cryptocurrency is over. Even if you don’t use it, you’re now at risk of being adversely affected by it through cryptomining malware, also known as cryptojacking. Read on to find out what cryptocurrency is, how cryptojacking is on the rise, and how you can protect your organization.

10 Essential Tips for Securing FTP and SFTP Servers

Most organizations use FTP or SFTP servers to exchange files and other critical business documents with their trading partners. Unfortunately, these servers have become a primary target for hackers. Learn SFTP security best practices in this blog and webinar.

SFTP vs. FTPS: The Key Differences

Which option for securing sensitive files in transit is the best for your organization? Read this article for an in-depth look at FTP vs. SFTP vs. FTPS, and their key differences.